Senin, 23 September 2013

Watch and Download Husk (2011) movies in cinema online


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Watch Husk (2011) Online - Husk Movie is released on 4 February 2012 in Theater. This Husk is telling: A group of friends stranded near a desolate cornfield find shelter in an old farmhouse, though they soon discover the dwelling is the center of a supernatural ritual.. Many actors and actriss are starring this Husk movie, such as Devon Graye, Wes Chatham, C.J. Thomason, Tammin Sursok, Ben Easter,

The producers (Stephanie Caleb, Limor Diamant, Moshe Diamant, Lucy Mukerjee, Karri O'Reilly, James Portolese, Courtney Solomon, ) made this Husk (2011) with After Dark Films Company.

Watch Husk (2011) Online Here:

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Husk (2011) Movie Info:

Movie Alias: Husk
Movie Year: 2011
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
Rating: 5.0
Release Date: 4 February 2012
Movie Runtime: 83 minutes
Producers: Stephanie Caleb, Limor Diamant, Moshe Diamant, Lucy Mukerjee, Karri O'Reilly, James Portolese, Courtney Solomon,
Writers: Brett Simmons,
Production Co. : After Dark Films
Casts: Devon Graye, Wes Chatham, C.J. Thomason, Tammin Sursok, Ben Easter, Josh Skipworth, Nick Toussaint, Michael Cornelison, Aaron Harpold, Candice Rose,

Husk Online Movie Storyline

Scott, Chris, Johnny, Brian and his girlfriend Natalie are traveling together to spend a couple of days together nearby a lake. In a remote road in the limits of a cornfield, Scott hits a crow with his truck and their car breaks down. Johnny crosses the cornfield to seek help in an old farmhouse and vanishes. Brian and Chris cross the cornfield together heading to the house. Meanwhile, Natalie is dragged by something and Scott unsuccessfully tries to help her. Soon, the three friends find that they are stranded and a supernatural force is holding them in the farmhouse.

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More Info About Husk (2011):

Music By: Bobby Tahouri,
Graphics by: Marco Fargnoli,
Editor: William Yeh,

Thats all about Husk (2011). Enjoy Watching Husk (2011) Online.

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